Residents at The Paddocks were shocked to receive notification from Guildford Borough Council in early July 2017 of a planning application 17/P/01451 for outline permission for 25 homes on land at Little Flexford. The close date for residents' comments is 11 August 2017.

The land forms a large part of the former Policy A47 recently removed from the second Regulation 19 Proposed Submission Guildford Local Plan consultation maps. The land is now designated SNCI in the proposed Policy Map of the local plan evidence base.

The area falls outside the settlement boundary of Flexford and is in the Green Belt.

The land also falls within the 400m-5km mitigation zone of the Thames Basin Heaths SPA, requiring the applicant to bring forward an area of lans as SANG with appropriate management plan and long-term funding to which to divert leisure walks of new residents and their pets away from the Special Protection Area or enter into an S.106 agreement with the council. Such SANG arrangements require assessment by Natural England.


Thursday the 18th - Published by Normandy Action Group, Unit 135950, PO Box 7169, Poole, BH15 9EL - Hostgator Coupon Template