This outline application [16/P/00649], for a development of 30 homes (including 11 'affordable units'), was refused by Guildford Borough Council on 15 December 2016, having received over thirty objections. The revised documentation submitted by the applicant in October 2016 did not appear, on balance, to impact the extensive case officer reportHowever, all the way through the officer report there was constant reference to the emerging Local Plan indicating this land might be part of a larger development (i.e. Site A46) still under consultation.

In summary, the application was refused for the following reasons

  • Outside any defined settlement area
  • Harmful to the openness of the Green Belt
  • No "very special circumstances" proved to outweigh substantial harm to the Green Belt
  • Site would breach constraint of required 15 metre buffer zone along southern border to protect "semi-ancient natural woodland"
  • Failure to enter into S.106 agreement to contribute to GBC TBHSPA Avoidance Strategy
  • Failure to deliver mixed and inclusive community (i.e. 'affordable housing') and contribution to educational and recreational facilities
Friday the 19th - Published by Normandy Action Group, Unit 135950, PO Box 7169, Poole, BH15 9EL - Hostgator Coupon Template