• Our Normandy Village - Glaziers Lane

  • Our Normandy Village - land near Pusseys Copse with Ancient Woodland

  • Our Normandy Village - view to the Hogs Back and Surrey Hills AONB

  • Our Normandy Village - St Marks Church, Wyke, 15th c.

  • Our Normandy Village - winter sunset

Policy P4: Flood Risk

Flood zones in Guildford borough are defined based on definitions contained within national planning practice guidance and the Council’s Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (Level 1) .

Development in areas at risk of flooding as identified on the latest Environment Agency flood risk maps and the Council’s Strategic Flood Risk Assessment, including the ‘developed’ flood zone 3b (functional floodplain), will be permitted provided that:

  1. the vulnerability of the proposed use is appropriate for the level of flood risk on the site;
  2. the proposal passes the sequential and exception test (where required) as outlined in the NPPF and Government guidance;
  3. a site–specific flood risk assessment demonstrates that the development will be safe, including the access and egress, without increasing flooding elsewhere, and where possible, will reduce flood risk overall;
  4. the scheme incorporates flood protection, flood resilience and resistance measures appropriate to the character and biodiversity of the area and the specific requirements of the site;
  5. when relevant, appropriate flood warning and evacuation plans are in place and approved; and
  6. site drainage systems are appropriately designed taking account of storm events.

Development proposals in the ‘developed’ flood zone 3b will also only be approved where the footprint of the proposed building(s) is not greater than that of the existing building(s). Proposals within these areas should facilitate greater floodwater storage.

With the exception of the provision of essential infrastructure, ‘undeveloped’ flood zone 3b will be safeguarded for flood management purposes.

All development proposals will be required to demonstrate that they will not result in an increase in surface water run-off and should have regard to appropriate mitigation measures identified in the Guildford Surface Water Management Plan or Ash Surface Water Study. Priority will be given to incorporating SuDs (Sustainable Drainage Systems) to manage surface water drainage, unless it can be demonstrated that they are not appropriate. Where SuDs are provided, arrangements must be put in place for their management and maintenance over their full lifetime.

Development within Groundwater Source Protection Zones will only be permitted provided that it has no adverse impact on the quality of the groundwater source and it does not put at risk the ability to maintain a public water supply.

Response: Object 

There are aspects of this policy which are acceptable; it is sensible to protect groundwater source protection zones, provided that the maps are accurate. However, urban development on hardstanding does not create increased flood risk, especially where there is the capacity for improved flood resistance measures to be included in the design. Sites such as the Arriva bus depot, on the River Wey bank, are potential high value brownfield land which may not be used for housing because of this policy. The footprint of existing buildings should not be the limit of future development, but the extent of existing hard standing. Tarmac and concrete do not act as functional floodplain, but some land with hard standing close to the river, within the town centre and within easy walking distance of the train station, provides an exciting opportunity for real urban regeneration which could protect the surrounding countryside.

  • Bailes Lane: Temporary Article 4 Direction Made!

    On 18 April, following numerous representations from members of the public, Normandy Parish Council, and Normandy's Borough Councillors, Guildford Borough Council (GBC) officers acting under their delegated powers issued an Article 4 Direction regarding the agricultural land lying to the west of Bailes Lane, Normandy, GU3 2BA.

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  • ‘Limited Infilling’ in Normandy and Flexford

    ‘Limited Infilling’ is increasingly used by planning officers as a justification when approving applications in Normandy/Flexford, even where the site is outside the settlement area identified in the Local Plan and is therefore in the Green Belt. (It is worth recalling in this context that the Local Plan removed Normandy and Flexford, along with several other settlements, from the Green Belt, making then ‘inset’, rather than ‘washed over’; this meant that development within the settlement area would not need to accord with Green Belt policy.) We therefore thought it would be helpful to take a closer look at this concept of ‘limited infilling’ in the Green Belt.

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Monday the 29th - Published by Normandy Action Group, Unit 135950, PO Box 7169, Poole, BH15 9EL - Hostgator Coupon Template