12 September 2024

Dear NAG Follower,

In this edition:

Good news: Bailes Lane Article 4 made permanent
Planning Reforms Consultation: Deadline 24 September
AONB/National Landscape Review: further consultation
Local Planning Applications and Appeals decided
• Enforcement Actions
New Applications of Interest
• Save the Date! NAG AGM 29 October

Welcome to our fourth newsletter of the year: it’s back to school with a vengeance on the planning front.

Good news: Bailes Lane Article 4 made permanent

The temporary Article 4 Direction made on 18 April regarding the land to the west of Bailes Lane is now permanent. Planning permission will have to be sought for any attempt to enclose areas of the land by means of fences, walls, or gates, or for the stationing of caravans or other moveable vehicles for more than 28 days in total in any calendar year. Many thanks to the 176 people who signed our Petition about this, and to those, including Normandy Parish Council, who made representations to Guildford Borough Council.

Planning Reforms Consultation: Deadline 25 September

As we reported in our last newsletter, the new Government has launched a consultation on its proposed changes to the National Planning Policy Framework; the deadline for comments is 24 September. In case you missed it, in this article on our website we offered some general reflections on the proposals, and considered what these proposals might mean for us in Normandy. In a nutshell: there will be a significant increase in Guildford’s housing target, and significantly less protection for the Green Belt (which comprises 89% of the Guildford Borough Council area).

On 4 September, we took part in a webinar organised by the Community Planning Alliance (CPA) to discuss the Government’s proposals. The slides that were presented and a recording of the session are available here, and a template email to be sent in response to the consultation is available here. Please do look at the main elements of the proposals and respond if you can, either by answering the questions in the consultation here, or alternatively by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

AONB/National Landscape Review

As flagged in our last newsletter, Natural England have now published the details of the additional areas proposed for inclusion in the expanded AONB/National Landscape area. While these are in East Hampshire and therefore of not immediate relevance to us, they are still of interest, and the project page here also maps out the process from now on. As we said last time, we are unlikely to see a definitive redrawing of the boundaries before mid-2025 at the earliest.

Local Planning Applications and Appeals decided

21/P/00317 - Erection of a two-storey detached dwelling together with associated parking, vehicular access and landscaping following demolition of existing water tank. Land adjacent to 43 Glaziers Lane, Normandy, GU3 2DE. Approved.

23/P/01990 - Proposed 2.9m vehicle crossover to plot no 4, Anchor Copse, Guildford Road, Normandy GU3 2AS. Refused, on the grounds that “the proposal would formalise access onto this area of agricultural land, without any justification for the agricultural need for this, adversely affecting the character of the countryside and without making provision for protection of trees, habitats or protected species.”

24/P/00517 - Demolition of the existing building and the erection of a building comprising four two bed residential units and 1 one bed residential unit together with a Class E unit at ground floor and associated parking and amenity areas. Session Music, Guildford Road, Normandy, Guildford, GU3 2DA. Refused: “There is no in principle objection to the proposed development. However, the proposal would fail to respect the established character of the area, would fail to provide acceptable living conditions for the occupiers of Units C and D, would result in an adverse impact on neighbouring amenity, would fail to provide sufficient parking on site for the residential occupiers and has failed to demonstrate that sustainability measures have been adequately considered.”

24/P/01167 - Outline application for the construction of a care home, with 17 one-bedroom bungalows with staff accommodation and 10 one and two-bedroom affordable homes with all matters reserved. North Wyke Farm, Guildford Road, Normandy, Guildford GU3 2AN. A previous application for a care home on this site, 23/P/01507 was withdrawn. The a/m application has now disappeared from the planning portal, so one assumes it has also been withdrawn.

24/W/00058 - Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed change of Use of Agricultural Buildings to Dwellinghouses and for building operations reasonably necessary for the conversion of two agricultural buildings to create two, three-bedroom dwellings. Park Farm, Elmgrove Lane, Normandy, GU3 2BN. We reported last time that this had been refused, on the grounds that the application did not meet the various criteria for converting buildings from agricultural to residential use. It has now been resubmitted as 24/W/00082, with a further sworn declaration that the applicants claim will address the case officer’s objections.

Enforcement Actions

Advice received from Surrey County Councillor Matt Furniss:

“Following a site visit with the Head of Planning at Guildford Borough Council with local residents and the Parish Council to look at the impact of the issues on the upper and lower Wanborough Fields, it has become apparent that not all matters relating to Surrey County Council’s enforcement team were being passed on by GBC. I have spoken to the Enforcement Team at SCC and they have opened a new case to collect all reports to which they will follow up with GBC and assist where possible. Therefore, if you spot any burning of material (particularly plastics, rubber etc) importation of earth, rubble or other vegetation please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the case reference of UWD_0018_2024-25 and any evidence you can provide.” 

New Applications of Interest

24/P/01292 - Certificate of lawfulness for proposed development to establish whether the addition of sitting a caravan would be lawful. Summer Place, Pirbright Road, Normandy, Guildford, GU3 2AQ. A Certificate of Lawfulness already exists for one caravan on this site; the application seeks permission for a second, “for residential use”.

A reminder that NAG does not try to comment on all planning applications in Normandy, only those that raise wider policy issues. All applications in Normandy go to public meetings of the Planning Committee of Normandy Parish Council; conclusions are on their website.

Save the Date! NAG AGM 29 October

Our AGM will take place at 8 pm on 29 October in Normandy Village Hall. This will be an opportunity among other things to consider the implications of the national planning reforms for us in Normandy, and what collective action we may wish to take. All are welcome.

We hope you have found the information in this newsletter helpful. Please keep emailing us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to make us aware of local and other issues. And please do try to recruit new followers so that they too can read our regular updates! They can do so very easily by completing the form on our website.



Thursday the 5th - Published by Normandy Action Group, Unit 135950, PO Box 7169, Poole, BH15 9EL - Hostgator Coupon Template