Dear NAG Follower,
In this edition:
- Update on Local Planning Applications
- Guildford Local Plan Review
- Cathedral Development Public Enquiry
- Public Rights of Way Consultation
- Road Safety Consultation
Update on Local Planning Applications
Apart from the final two new ones, all these applications have featured in previous newsletters. Please consult these if you seek greater detail.
23/D/00174/1 - Discharge of condition 9 (surface water drainage Scheme) of planning permission 23/P/00997. After two refusals, this application for discharge has finally been approved, which presumably means that this development of 16 dwellings as per application 20/P/01148 can now go ahead.
Appeals dismissed:
22/P/01107 - Demolition of the existing stables and outbuildings and the erection of a single storey dwelling. Land to the west of North Wyke Farm, Guildford Road, Normandy, GU3 2AN. This was the third attempt to obtain permission for a dwelling in place of a stable that had itself only recently been given retrospective planning approval. It has now been dismissed on Appeal.
22/P/01326 - The erection of an agricultural storage barn and chicken house together with the retention of the existing boundary fencing and gates (part retrospective), Plot F, Land East of Wanborough Woods, Westwood Lane, Wanborough, Guildford, GU3 2JN. This long-running saga has finally reached a conclusion: dismissed on Appeal.
Applications withdrawn:
22/P/01207 - Proposed erection of 8 two storey dwellings (4 detached and 4 semi-detached) with associated parking and gardens at Glaziers Lane, Normandy, Guildford. Land to the east of Glaziers Lane, Normandy, GU3. Withdrawn on 22 December, the day after our newsletter appeared warning of the dangers of this application. (Coincidence, no doubt!)
23/P/01436 - Change of use of land as a travellers caravan site consisting of a single pitch containing 1 single unit mobile home including the partial demolition of a stable building, the partial conversion of a stable building into a utility dayroom and the removal of buildings and other structures from the site. Woodlands Stables, Green Lane West, Ash, GU12 6DU. Withdrawn following numerous objections from local residents.
22/P/02178 - The installation of a 12.21 MWp solar facility comprising ground mounted solar photovoltaic panels and associated infrastructure including inverters, transformers, a GRP switchgear enclosure, fencing, infrared cameras, motion detection system, underground cable connections, access works including new tracks, and landscape planting. Land west of Blackwell Farm, Hogs Back, Guildford, GU3 IDG. At the time of writing it is unclear whether this application has been withdrawn or not and, if so, whether it will be resubmitted with a different access route from the east, as has been suggested.
New information about an existing planning application:
21/P/02167 - Mixed use application for the stationing of caravans for residential use and the keeping of horses; with stables and day rooms ancillary to that use, and development of new hard surfaces. Land to the west of North Wyke Farm, Guildford Road, Normandy, GU3 2AN. Guildford Borough Council (GBC) has yet to rule on this application, which is now three years old. The latest information relates to an "arboricultural assessment", which turns out to be a recommendation for one tree to be removed at the entrance to the site - discounting the many trees that have already been felled to widen the entrance to it. Meanwhile, development activity on the site continues.
New applications:
23/P/01990 - Proposed 2.9m vehicle crossover to plot no 4, Anchor Copse, Guildford Road, Normandy GU3 2AS. This is an application for a vehicle entry to be created across the pavement to one of the sites that was sold off when Anchor Close was parcelled up and the plots sold by auction. A great deal of clearance has already taken place on the site, and local residents are concerned where this may lead. Surrey County Council (the highways authority) has asked for clarity about the intended use of the land and the scale of likely vehicle movements, and also a visibility plan and a parking plan.
24/P/00102 - Certificate of Lawfulness for existing development to establish whether the conversion of a piggery to a single dwelling house was substantially complete and occupied more than four years ago from the date of this application: Pineside Piggeries, Pirbright Road, Normandy, GU3 2AL. This is the latest in a series of applications relating to the Pineside Piggeries site; local residents are concerned that this application, if successful, could set a precedent for further dwellings on this site, and that the latter is becoming built up in a way that is out of keeping with the area.
A reminder that NAG does not try to comment on all planning applications in Normandy, only those that raise wider policy issues. All applications in Normandy go to public meetings of the Planning Committee of Normandy Parish Council; conclusions are on their website.
Guildford Local Plan Review
It is a legal requirement to review Local Plans within five years of adoption to determine whether an update is required. On 21 February GBC Councillors voted to initiate a process to update the Guildford Local Plan 2015-34. This will be a protracted affair, and in the words of Councillor George Potter, is unlikely "to deliver the moon on a stick". The Report that went to Council is on the GBC website here, and an informative account of the debate is on the Guildford Dragon website here.
Cathedral Development Public Enquiry
In 2021 Guildford Cathedral and Vivid Housing submitted application 21/P/02333 for Demolition of existing Cathedral Close dwellings and erection of 124 no. residential units (including affordable housing) with associated engineering works, access, landscaping, parking and ancillary works. Land South and East of The Cathedral Church Of The Holy Spirit, Stag Hill, The Chase, Guildford, GU2 7UP. This was turned down by GBC, and has gone to Appeal, which will now be determined by a Public Enquiry beginning on 5 March and expected to last ten days. Full details are on the GBC website here.
Public Rights of Way Consultation
Surrey County Council (SCC) is consulting on its Rights of Way Improvement Plan. Details of how to contribute are on the SCC website here. The deadline is 10 March
Road Safety Consultation
SCC is also consulting on its Vision Zero Road Safety Strategy. Full details are here. The deadline is 24 March.