NAG Newsletters 2023

Dear NAG Follower,

A very full newsletter this edition with a large number of planning applications locally and further afield that directly and indirectly affect Normandy.

In this edition:

  • New National Planning Framework
  • Report from our Annual General Meeting
  • Challenges of Enforcement
  • 'Limited Infilling’ in Normandy
  • Other local cases
  • Applications from further afield

Dear NAG Follower,

‘Welcome’ to autumn! It’s been a while since our last newsletter, during which time planning has been much in the news, both nationally and locally. Nationally, the question of how to build more homes for those who need them remains politically controversial and is sure to feature prominently in the next general election

Here in Guildford, the planning system is creaking, and everyone is frustrated. The main problem is a lack of capacity. Local government has for years been under-resourced, the planning rules are complex and need to be navigated carefully, and the system plays into the hands of individuals who are prepared to filibuster and/or break the rules.

As a result, we are still in the dark about many of the planning applications about which we have reported in the past because they are still ‘awaiting decision’. The rate of applications is picking up following the pandemic, which adds further pressure. Meanwhile, some very visible examples of rule-breaking reveal that enforcement capacity is severely over-stretched. It’s a pretty depressing situation.

In this edition:

  • Notice of our Annual General Meeting
  • System for Automatic Notification of Applications restored
  • Update on Previous Planning Applications
  • New Applications in Normandy
  • Update on Enforcement Action
  • Ash Road Bridge work begins

Dear NAG Follower,

Welcome to the first of our new format newsletters, using MailChimp. We hope that this will result in fewer 'bounce backs', and that you will enjoy the look. As before, we'll try to keep these as short as possible so as not to clog your inboxes, with links to longer pieces on our website.

In this edition:

  • Reminder: AONB Consultation closes 13 June
  • Local election results and issues for the incoming Council;
  • New planning applications in Normandy;
  • Update on Wanborough Green Belt protection

Dear NAG Follower,

Like buses, you wait for ages for a NAG newsletter, and then you get three in quick succession… However, in this edition we have:

  • Good News on AONB Proposals
  • Wanborough Fields Update
  • Success for Dunsfold campaigners
  • GRA ‘asks’ ahead of local elections in May
  • Consultation on GBC’s Draft Green Belt Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

Dear NAG Follower,

Welcome to our first newsletter of 2023. There is a lot to report on, with the biggest issue being the coincidence of two separate threats to the integrity of the open countryside between Guildford and Flexford (see below). In addition, there is an important opportunity to comment on the Government’s proposals on reforms to the planning system.

In this edition:

  • Thanks to NPC and SCC for grant funding
  • 70 Mobile Homes at Homestead Farm?
  • Solar Facility to West of Blackwell Farm
  • Update on Other Local Applications
  • AONB Proposals Imminent
  • Consultation closing on National Planning Policy Framework

Thursday the 7th - Published by Normandy Action Group, Unit 135950, PO Box 7169, Poole, BH15 9EL - Hostgator Coupon Template